Evangelizing Jewish People

Asher Chee |

Today, most Jewish people do not believe in Jesus Christ for salvation. As Christians, we love the Jewish people, and we want them to believe in Jesus so that they would be saved (Rom. 10:1; 11:28). What is the most effective way to evangelize Jewish people?

Romans 11:25 says:

Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.

For now, sharing the Gospel with Jewish people is largely ineffective because a partial hardening has come on them. Yet, this partial hardening will not remain on them forever. Rather, God has arranged that this partial hardening will be removed after the “fullness of the Gentiles” has come in. This will happen when the full number of non-Jewish people have believed in Jesus.

Therefore, because of God’s arrangement, the most effective way to evangelize Jewish people is actually to evangelize non-Jewish people! Indeed, in the Great Commission, Jesus commanded us to make disciples of people from all nations, and not only Jewish people (Matt. 28:19).

Of course, God has called some Christians to reach Jewish people specifically. Yet, for most Christians, obeying the Great Commission involves sharing the Gospel with the people who are around us—family, friends, co-workers, and other people in our locality.

As we all do our part in the Great Commission, more and more people will come to believe in Jesus. Then, when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, the partial hardening will be removed, and the Jewish people will largely come to believe in Jesus.